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Dr Alireza Heidarian

General Practitioner


Dr Alireza Heidarian graduated from Shiraz University, Iran in 2000 as a General Practitioner, and was practicing there for 16 years. He moved to Australia 5 years ago and worked in VIC and WA as a GP. He achieved his Fellowship of Royal Australian College of General Practitioners in 2019, and has now moved back to Melbourne, where he continues to practice. His areas of interest in general practice include skin disorders and skin cancers, chronic diseases management especially diabetes and cardiovascular diseases and workers compensation. He enjoys climbing and swimming in his free time.

Early Detection and Treatment is the most effective management to reduce risk

Practice Info

17 Doy Street, Dallas VIC 3047 
Phone: (03) 9492 4802
Fax: (03) 9492 4805

Opening Hours

Open 7 days a week
Monday – Friday 9am – late
Weekends 10am – 4pm 

© 2021 Doy Street Medical Centre